Basic substance

Basic substance based in Urtica dioica L.

Eficaz frente a plagas de pulgones

Foliar application

botella de Urtiqins

URTIQINS is a basic substance obtained after fermentation, maceration and filtration of fresh nettle leaves (Urtica dioica L.). Given the intrinsic characteristics of this cosmopolitan perennial shrub plant of the Urticaceae family, Arvensis has developed this insecticide with its extract (CAS No. 84012-40-8).

URTIQINS is a product specially developed to combat insects, such as aphids or lepidoptera. Histamine and acetylcholine are extracted, along with the acid formic, from some selected nettle plants. The application of URTIQINS prevents the proper functioning of the system insect nerves, causing his death.

URTIQINS also contains polyphenols, such as flavonoids, active biomolecules anti-food insecticide.v

Use in organic farming approved by CAAE under the requirement RCE 834/2007 & NOP

Available formats

Mixtures & Compatibilities

Do not apply at high temperatures. Applied at least 7 days before harvesting.